Thursday, November 15, 2007

I'm A Good Driver

You Should Drive a Blue Car

You're the type of driver who isn't hung up on the what car you drive.
You don't need a flashy car to show off your wealth or style.
Instead, you go for value and reliability. You're quite practical.
You're a great driver, but you don't show off. Part of your skill is not standing out on the road.

I'm glad of the result of this tag because it's really true. I am not that kind of aggressive driver. Hubby keep reminding me not to over speed when I'm driving on the freeway or in the highway. I am always obedient to husband's reminder and so as the Law here in United States. In fact, i love to drive in a near empty highway because sometimes i get scared if there's big trailer truck beside me, it feels like it's gonna fall on me lol! Hubby said that i will try not to be beside, right behind, or even in the front of big trailer trucks because if something happened to that truck i am surely will be affected. Like that experienced i had long time ago i just barely got here, hubby was the one driving and the trailer's truck's tire blew up and it flew to the air, hubby quickly swerved the car and drove as fast as he could to get away from that truck. Good thing hubby made it, we could've get wreck because of that truck. Driving sometimes is really risky. that's why i always pay attention around me when i drive.

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